First two parts here:
and here:
Part 3 "Talent Build"
Their suggested build looks like this:
Well, I suppose it is not entirely bad, it could be worse. Still I don't really fully agree with it. For one thing, they have points in Electric Execution, probably the most useless talent ever, and there are few other things that could be changed.
I'm not going to any more details right now, as this is getting to be a long review and there is still a lot to cover, and I am planning to make my own guide in the near future. However I do say that a good guide should include also at least brief explanations of which are the most important talents (that you should always take) and which are more of an optional ones that could be traded for something else depending on the kind of content you are doing, something Noxxic does not have.
Ok, moving on
Part 4 Rotations & Cooldowns
Ok now we get to the part where Noxxic has some of the worst and stupidest advice ever.
Starting with single target rotation:
So Noxxic says: "rotations are designed for maximum damage, threat or healing". Even though for Assassin tank all 3 are kind of relevant, with self-healing being important part of their rotation, that is not what they are going for with this. They do in fact have this exactly same introductory text for every spec of every class, listing maximum threat for healers and dps who definitely don't want maximum threat and listing healing for classes that can't heal at all. That's just stupid. Could not be that hard to change the text to match the class.
To the rotation itself:
Where do I even begin? There's so many things wrong here.
So what is this rotation supposed to be for?
Optimal damage/threat? No, it isn't because Assassinate so low on the priority list. Most people let Assassinate take priority above all else once it becomes available.
Also if this was about threat rather than damage, it should include Force Pull, which even if you can use it only once does more threat on even targets that cant be pulled than any damage dealing ability
Optimal survivability? Well you could think that since they put mainly survivability abilities on top, but no, not really. The problem with that is that they basically seem to suggest to use Shock only with energize proc. If your goal was to maximize survivability you should use shock immediately when it comes out of cooldown regardless even if you haven't got energize proc yet, to get harnessed darkness stacks up as fast as possible to self-heal as often as possible. Even if the priority was to maximize damage or threat instead of tank survivability, I'm not entirely sure if it is worth trying to get energize before every shock even now (pre 2.0 it certainly was not worth trying to get at all)
Also placing Discharge above Shock is kind weird. Discharge, despite having higher than normal threat modifier, actually does very low threat due to its low damage. The only reason to have it in your single target rotation is the -5% accuracy debuff. Since the debuff lasts longer than the cooldown of discharge, it is not necessary to use it immediately when it comes of cooldown. It is however necessary to use Shock always immediately when it comes out of cooldown (and I say again, use it even if it is without energize proc) to build up HD stacks as fast as possible. Therefore Shock belongs higher up in the priority list.
And WHERE IS MAUL??? Why is Maul not in their attack rotation at all? It should be. As we can see above in the talent build, even Noxxic tells people to put points in "Conspirator's Cloak" which allows Maul to be used up front and reduces it's cost. Now why would they spend points on a talent that only affects Maul, if they are then not going to use it all? Are the people behind Noxxic stupid or something? (Why do I even ask?)
And if the reason to not include Maul was because this was still the same rotation they had for before 2.0 then all I can say is that some of the things they say would have been even more wrong before 2.0 than after.
And the way they lay it out seems to suggest that they are telling to renew Dark Ward as often as possible whenever it comes available out of cooldown. This is wrong, because renewing Dark Ward resets the Dark Bulwark stacks so even though you want to keep it up all the time and refresh it when it runs (because 20% shield > 8% absorb) you do not want to refresh it too early but rather at exactly the moment the Dark Ward buff runs out, and not a second before or after.
Well there other things someone could point out, but let's move on, and leave those for another time.
AOE rotation
Just facepalm at this. Seriously Noxxic? Overload???
Overload has some situational use, primarily to position mobs, and in some rare and exceptional situations for other things, but it certainly should not be part of anyone's normal aoe attack rotation.
How stupid does one need to be to not understand that pushing mobs away from yourself as a tank so you can't hit them anymore (and usually by doing so pushing them away from other people's aoe attacks too making them miss their target) is a bad idea?
Now we finally get to the most epically bad part of them all, Survivability cooldowns.
This... This is really where they make a world record in stupidity. According to Noxxic survivability cooldowns are used among other things to "reduce aggro" and it is not just a case them copy/pasting the same text to every guide (which would be stupid too) but they do actually seem to literally think that tanks should try to reduce their aggro when tanking, since they do list the threat reduction abilities (such as enrage defense for juggernauts etc.) as cooldowns that tanks should use in every tank guide.
What kind of an idiot thinks that tanks should reduce their aggro when they are tanks?
Listing Force Cloak as something tank spec assassins should use is just stupid. Not only is it threat dump but it actually takes you out of combat reducing your threat to 0 making you always loose aggro completely. Granted there are some special very rare and exceptional circumstances when a boss fight goes through a transition during which you don't need to hold threat on anything and you can use it to for example reset those medpacks that can be used only once per combat, but that's about it. However if an ability can only be used on rare and exceptional circumstance and absolutely must not be used at any other time, but the guide does not wish to explain when to use it, they would be better not to list it at all.
The other, perhaps even more stupid detail is that they list Force Shroud on the same line with the Force Cloak connected with a plus sign as if suggesting that those two abilities should be only used together.
WHAT THE HELL NOXXIC??????????????????????????????????????????????????
By connecting Force Shroud to Force Cloak like that, anyone who followed Noxxic's "advice" would be effectively prevented from ever using Force Shroud when they really need it the most.
Force Shroud is by far the best defensive cooldown in the game as it gives an assassin tank 5 seconds where they do not take any damage from force and tech attacks and cleanses most removable debuffs.
Has it really not occurred to the idiots who created that this is something a tank might actually want to use on its own, without Force Cloak, even at times when you have to hold threat and can't use Force Cloak.
Even DPS assassins who can use Force Cloak pretty much any time, do still use these abilities more often independently than at the same time, so even for them Force Shroud and Force Cloak should have been listed separately. For tank specs, not listing them separately is just unforgivable.
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